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Vote Twice for JOHN FLICK

FFSD Board of Education

John Flick


Vision for Our Future

Fiscal Responsibility

People (students, faculty, and staff) are by far the greatest resource of an educational ecosystem. However, the infrastructure (buildings and programs) developed to support those individuals can be heavily impacted by financial hardship. Whether through negative economic conditions or through fiscal mismanagement, learning environments can deeply suffer. The district needs additional policies and systems in place to ensure its long-term financial health.

Safety in Our Schools

School buildings must be safe so that our students can thrive academically and emotionally. Teachers and staff must all have a sense of well-being. We need to ensure that teachers, principals and staff have the tools needed to keep our children safe. However, fostering a safe and nurturing environment is not just about implementing technology or creating a new policy; it must include the input and support of the whole educational community.

Equity in Educational Opportunities

Equity is a word that is often mentioned. In fact, the FFSD Mission states that “Feguson-Florissant School District is to provide high quality instruction to every student in every neighborhood while prioritizing equity and compassionate relationships." Since moving to the district in 2021, I have heard parents, students, and FFSD personnel mention their perception of a lack of equity between the schools in the district. I am concerned regarding the lack of metrics in place to evaluate policies and programs that may inadvertently create inequity. This is an area that should never be taken for granted.

Retain and Recruit Highly Qualified Teachers & Staff

Foremost, highly qualified teachers and support staff should always be a priority for the schools in the Ferguson Florissant School District. These individuals have the amazing opportunity to positively challenge and influence the narrative of our children. We must strive to compensate and train FFSD personnel with the same excellence we expect of them. Second, the high rate of turnover regarding highly functional principals and curriculum coordinators creates unnecessary instability on many levels. Third, there is a pressing need for reading teachers, especially at the high school level. Positions once paid for by grants have gone unfilled now for several years. Finally, we should provide continual recognition and affirmation for all personnel, regardless of area. Affirmation is a powerful way to reinforce the values to which we ascribe, and we must strive to retain and recruit loyal, hard working staff members who demonstrate excellence in their work.

Accountability in Policy & Program Management

Policy and program development are an essential part of the long-term growth of the school district. I have seen many policies and programs approved by the school board, many of which have required significant monetary investment. My concern is not necessarily with the validity of the adopted policy or program, but rather the implementation or the lack of ongoing evaluation after adoption. Some simple examples include smoke detectors in bathrooms with lack of staff to respond to detected incidents when they occur and Yondr pouches purchased for a district-wide implementation that are now not even being used in some FFSD schools. There has also been report of a significant amount of money being spent towards the purchase of curriculum that is not actively accessible by students and educators, used effectively, and/or is simply discarded after a short time. There needs to be greater accountability regarding an ongoing analysis and reflection of any implemented policies and programs, including careful consideration of cost to benefit ratios.

Wrap Around Services & Outside Partnerships

Particularly because of the financial condition of the school district, continued growth of wrap-around services and outside partnerships is essential. Students deserve easy access to medical professionals and community services that are available outside of the "typical" school staff. Also, we can help better foster interpersonal and emotional support for students through family, friends, and outside community resources that together provide care that is individualized, family-driven, and culturally competent. Finally, outside partnerships, like the Red Tail Cadet Program and McCluer High School's JROTC, can help promote leadership skills and character development. Such programs expand opportunities and help foster hope while also challenging students to have amazing dreams that they can passionately pursue and attain. We need to continue to actively search out unique partnerships such as these and eagerly encourage student participation in these programs as much as possible.


A Brief Summary

Family Background

I grew up on my parents’ small farm in rural southwest Michigan raising Black Angus cows and Corriedale sheep. I am the eldest and have two brothers, both of whom are veterans who now serve their communities as firefighters. I am an Eagle scout with two palms and was raised with the values of hard work, integrity and service.

Education & Work Experience

I am a proud graduate and valedictorian of Delton Kellogg Public Schools. I later attended Evangel University in Springfield, MO as a Biblical Studies major with a Philosophy concentration. During this time, I was appointed the Director of MECS (Ministry of Evangel Students) and served in that position for two years. From there, my career path has been varied, including church and school administration, software development, and small business ownership. I have served on several boards and have functioned in the roles of administration and finance in several positions.

Current History

In October of 2021, my family moved from Michigan into the Ferguson-Florissant School District to serve with the Ferguson-based nonprofit Civil Righteousness, Inc. — an organization that works to see reconciliation and restorative justice through spiritual, cultural, and economic renewal. Besides building a 1031 Exchange business, I currently work as a software engineer for Stereotaxis. I am excited about the possibility of serving the nine municipalities that make up the Ferguson-Florissant school district. Together, I believe we can create a brighter future.


I am married to my best friend Tami for 23 years and together we have two wonderful children: Ellie (18) and Robert (16). Ellie graduated from McCluer North High School as co-valedictorian and an International Baccalaureate Diploma recipient in May 2024. She is also a 2023 Red Tail Cadet. Robert, an accomplished cellist, IB Diploma candidate, and gaming enthusiast, currently attends McCluer North as a junior. He was recently honored by the Ferguson-Florissant School District for his high ACT score.


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